Jul 31, 2012

Reapers at Creech

07.30.12: Did you know current day fighter pilots work from home and use a joystick? They don't physically fly their plane!

Times have changed!
No more risk of losing pilots.
Theoretically, these 'pilots' can do their job from a coffee shop.

Full story in New York Times...July 30th.

Reaper MQ-9 specifications.

These pilots now watch the enemy and specific targets with very high resolution cameras, from the comfort of their favourite arm chair, before pulling the trigger on their joystick, firing a deadly missle from their UAV at a very precise target.

An actual strike sequence:

There are more than 1,300 Reaper trained pilots and more than 350 Reapers spread over 13 air bases in the USA. 
They are deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq and watch the everyday lives of many people and wait until the 'target' is away from family before pressing the button. 

Finally, a potential occupation for kids who play computer games all day...

Jun 16, 2012

global warming - natural process?

06.16.12 I am amazed by how many otherwise normally intelligent people still insist global warming is a natural phenomenon.

By now, EVERYONE should be on-board this risk management adventure we need to undertake the rest of our lives ... and the lives of our grandchildren ... to ensure delaying the inevitable as long as possible.

It is very simple and daunting.

The people of this planet will invest heavily in delaying the average temperature from rising more than 2 C.

The puzzle is when will we really begin to invest. Will it be in time or too late?

Tyler Hamilton, a writer for the Toronto Star, has produced some very clear and concise columns on this subject for quite a while now.

In his Toronto Star article today, the International Energy Agency (IEA) is now indicating the world must double clean energy infrastructure spending before 2020, to keep average global temperatures from rising 2C. Here is the article from the agency.
To do this, they indicate controlling carbon emissions by moving to clean energy technologies (offshore wind, solar power and carbon capture) and away from fossil burning.
Currently, they report we are on course for a 6 C temperature increase of global CO2 emissions by 2050. CO2 emissions will double by 2050.
They further say "fossil fuels remain dominant and demand continues to grow, locking in high-carbon infrastructure". 

Coming from the IEA is a real surprise, as they have been funded by big oil for quite some time. This 38 year old organization's original mandate was to monitor and manage global oil markets (as a result of the 1973 oil crisis).

They indicate governments are much too complacent ... Harper is an excellent example. 

IMO, there are two stumbling blocks to government positive action:
funding by big oil and fear of not being re-elected.

I do expect a lot from our elected political representatives.
It continues to amaze me why we support them even when they do not do what we ask or expect.
We really do need to be more responsive ... and ensure they are not re-elected.

Bottom Line:

1. the planet must move from fossil fuels to clean energy ASAP by penalizing fossil fuel use anywhere on the planet (and NOT subsidizing clean energy development)

2. the majority of people on the planet must begin to only support/elect representatives who clearly support immediate carbon reduction

3. governments must force closer of coal and oil production (all major carbon production) in the next 5 years

May 16, 2012

Time to blame politicians ... again

12.05.16: Finally, an elected representative placing blame where it should go for Eurozone problems.

Why is it we continue to support a system that provides our elected representatives the ability to OVERSPEND and then borrow to pay for it ... and then retire with outrageous and unjustified pensions?

Godfrey Bloom (England political representative for Yorkshire and North Lincs):

Decreasing medical costs in Ontario

12.05.16: The perspective from the other side.

In the Toronto Star today.

I don't quite agree with the medical community's stance. 

It is tough to gain support for such high salaries. But the smarter ones know how to use whatever system is in place and it is time our politicians did something to earn their pay ... other than put the country further in debt to fund their misadventures and lopsided pensions.

Something needs to be done to bring these extremely high incomes into line (which, amoung other things, will allow more medical practitioners into the business).

I know it is unrealistic to expect our elected representatives to work towards an agreeable solution, but substantial effort should be made, before unilateral decisions are legislated.

May 1, 2012


15.05.18: There is a continuing discussion about eggs and cholesterol.

I am always curious how the medical profession present their understanding. 

My understanding is the body manufactures 80% of our cholesterol and food only contributes 20%.

Here is a report from the Mayo Clinic (Jan 2012) that indicates:    
'Most healthy people can eat up to seven eggs a week with no increase in their risk of heart disease. Some studies have shown that this level of egg consumption may actually prevent some types of strokes.'

There has been renewed interest lately on cholesterol affect of eggs and the thinking appears to changing on impact cholesterol has on a normal body.
i have seen some documentation implying bad cholesterol (LDL) impact on the body is over-emphasized (perhaps by big pharma in an effort to sell more statins) and doesn't really contribute to fatty deposits (plaque) build-up in arteries (heart.org).  

In my opinion from my research, this revised general information (from AHA) about LDL and HDL remain our best detail to-date:

'Although an absolute LDL level that promotes plaque reversal hasn't been established, the American Heart Association reports that a level between 100 and 129 milligrams per deciliter is near or slightly above optimal, while the healthiest level for LDL is less than 100 milligrams per deciliter. 
An LDL level higher than 130 milligrams per deciliter of blood is considered borderline high, and a level above 160 is high and a risk factor for atherosclerosis and heart disease. 
The AHA also reports that maintaining levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, at or above 60 milligrams per deciliter can also help promote arterial health by carrying extra cholesterol back to your liver, where it's removed from your blood.' 

However, the last sentence is where some people, who appear to eat low cholesterol diets, have a problem. 
The good levels of HDL are not sufficient to carry excess cholesterol back to the liver or the liver (or bile duct) does not do a good job of getting rid of the excess.

This may be where the confusion occurs about cholesterol. 
Cholesterol is not the problem ... we need better ways to eliminate excess cholesterol.
That is the job of statins. But, for various reasons, statins are not doing the job effectively and have too many unhealthy side-effects (such as muscle pain).

Until I am convinced otherwise, ingesting less cholesterol is my best method of potentially reducing plaque in my arteries (augmented by high vitamin C and L-lysine and high doses of vitamin D3) without significantly increasing statins.

I will continue to minimize cheese, eggs and seafood (but not fish, which should be increased if high in omega 3 - wild mackerel, salmon, sardines), until more conclusive information comes available. 

Apr 30, 2012


12.04.30: People are getting on-board

In the Toronto Star today.
Nice to see more negative press about Harper. 
I think it will increase in the next few months.

However, in my IBM upbringing, this is actually perceived as an 'opportunity'.  

I guess that's what business brain-washing does to you...

Apr 18, 2012

Global Impact - How is Canada Doing?

12.04.15: Who is winning the Clean Energy race.

A worldwide report by The PEW Charitable Trusts group.

In this excellent end-of-year 2011 report, the current position of the G-20 countries is indicated.

It is an excellent read ... to understand the current global emphasis, position and strategy  of each country.

My focus is on Canada and I am mildly surprised at our status, given Mr Harper's lack of understanding and urgency on things environmental.

Unfortunately, we need to do a lot more! 

Mar 15, 2012

Westjet baggage

03.15.12: Interesting details for Westjet travellers

Check the pics for the details.

Certainly seem to favour golfers and those with two carry-on bags.

Water Heater Rental Saga

03.16.12: Case closed ... for now. Revised agreement withdrawn.

03.15.12: Can't get to the Direct Energy website!

There is very little detail on this growing potential problem from Direct Energy.

Here is my interpretation of the current situation.

If you are aware of additional details, pls advise asap!

Hugh Adami (in the Ottawa Citizen) and Ellen Roseman are doing the communication on this topic and Ellen's current article dated March 14th indicates a May 1st deadline.
CTV also has a updated video clearly outlining the problem and actions required. Go to this CTV link and click on "Direct Energy Update". 

The understanding is Direct Energy has sent a letter to all renters (whose contract started before Sept 2010) outlining the revised terms. The letter affects those with rental agreements more than 7-8 years old.

We, and many others, have not received the letter.

For those Ontario folks who plan to continue to rent a hot water tank from Direct Energy, action is required before May 1st (deadline extended), as indicated by Hugh:

"So here’s the company’s catch: It’s up to customers to let Direct Energy know if they want to remain under the old agreement. If customers fail to let Direct Energy know that they want to stay with the old plan, they’ll automatically be switched over to the new agreement on April 2, the day after April Fool’s Day."

I cannot connect to their website but understand the number to call is 1-866-202-1120. However, we have tried calling for the last 2 days and always get a busy signal.
Apparently, you can send an email to rentalterms@directenergy.com indicating you want to stay on the old agreement ... allowing you to cancel a rental agreement at no cost.

We are doing the email right now!

You can also buy out your existing contract (if started before Sept 2010) and continue to use the tank. 
There is a fee for this but it is quite small (Ellen paid $131), compared to the revised agreement coming into effect May 1st for existing renters.
If you fail to arrange for removal before the deadline, it could cost up to $3,000 to have it removed.

Mar 12, 2012

What is your sleep position

03.12.12: Recent article in the Toronto Star about sleep patterns and length of sleep required each night.

What position do you use?

" If you worry about waking up in the middle of the night, relax. 
While conventional wisdom tells us that we should get at least eight hours of sleep, a recent report by the BBC suggests that historically our ancestors normally had two sleep sessions: one early evening, a break, and then a second later at night. 

Researchers believe modern sleeping problems may have roots in the human body's natural preference for segmented sleep as well as the ubiquity of artificial light."

Feb 19, 2012

bicycling - a part of your life

02.19.12: Life is short. Let's try not to make it shorter.

An excellent video on bicycling augmenting a healthier lifestyle.

Makes me want to get out there right now.

For those of you without a bike, you should buy one - will last the rest of your life.

For those of you with an unused bike gathering dust, get it ready for spring and start with small rides.
Or you can buy an inexpensive indoor trainer and practice before spring arrives! 

I have found it to be the least painful method of lowering hypertension. 
Not quite as good as jogging, for stomach weight reduction.

And make sure the saddle fits!

Feb 15, 2012

the thinking man's approach


This is a real classic soccer game! Thx Barry.

 Probably one of the best I have seen in a long time. 
You will probably remember a lot of the players.

Be patient. It does take a while...

THE thinking man's soccer game

Feb 11, 2012

Parking at Pearson

02.10.12: It is always a task to find cheap parking ar Pearson for the week or month.

We have taken cabs but the cost has been around $160-180 total.

Parking can be reasonable near the airport, if you look for it.

Right now, Skypark Self Park is offering seven days for $56.22 total (14-30 days for $89.95 total).

Park 'n Fly Toronto Economy is offering a seven day rate of $72.05 total (14-30 day rate is $96.09 total).

A third provider is Skyway Park Self Park and their seven day rate is $55.00 total (14-30 day is $100.00 total).

All three are within 7 minutes (via shuttle) of Pearson. Use directions (above).

Skypark Self Park - 50 Fasken Drive, Toronto, 800.969.8032 

Park 'n Fly Toronto Economy - 626 Dixon Road, Toronto, 905.677.9143

Skyway Park Self Park - 60 Skyway Ave, Etobicoke, 800.474.3820

Feb 10, 2012

CPP Changes

02.10.12: Harper's group is now making changes to the CPP program.

Surprisingly, it may be for the better.

It certainly will provide him more $s to use for G8/G20 projects, more prisons and funding more activities to encourage China buy our climate-impacting shale oil... 

Looks like it might be best to wait till 70, if you haven't already started to collect.

When we elected to start CPP at age 60, it would take living until 78 to be more beneficial to wait till 65 to begin.

The new plan will mean a reduction of 36% (instead of 30%) if you start at 60.

If you wait until 70 years of age to start, you will receive an increase of 42% (instead of 30%).

There is no impact to those already on CPP.

If you are healthy and have good genes (or really need/want to work longer), it looks quite beneficial to wait until 70.

Many more details in the Star article.

Super Bowl 2012 ads


For those who missed the ads during the super bowl on Sunday.

Here they are!

Feb 2, 2012

Mark Cullen - weekly Toronto Star section

02.02.12: If you weren't aware, Mark is one of the good local guys.

He has a weekly gardening section in the Toronto Star
On this site, you can ask Mark any gardening questions you might have.

He also has a time slot on 680 Toronto radio and Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver are starting up.

He also has a push website you can sign up for.  

Feb 1, 2012

Facebook IPO

02.02.12: It appears Facebook had to file with the government, as they have more than 500 investors. This probably precipitated the IPO.

One of the risks of the Facebook approach is over half its users are mobile and there is no mobile advertising. IMO, as long as most users continue to use their PCs, Facebook should prosper.

BBC News Feb 2, 2012:

Facebook is poised to sell shares in itself, the first social network to do so.
Facebook said it would seek to raise $5bn in the stock market flotation, valuing the company at between $75bn and $100bn.
The company's has now revealed many of the facts behind all the pokes, likes and friends for the first time.


  • Facebook is an advertising company. Of its total revenues of $3.7bn in 2011, 85% came from advertising. And that is down from 98% and 95% in the previous two years.
  • The company makes $1bn in pure profit.
  • Facebook has a total of 845 million monthly users and 483 million daily users.
  • Of its monthly users, half have used Facebook on their mobile. (But there are no ads on its mobile site, so it makes no money from them.)
  • The majority of its money comes from the US, but the majority of the users are outside the country.
  • And the majority of its non-US revenues comes from western Europe, Canada, and Australia.
  • The company generates 2.7 billion "likes" and 250 million uploaded photos everyday.
  • Zynga, the games maker behind FarmVille, single-handedly accounts for 12% of its revenues.
  • The company has 3,200 employees.
  • Lady Gaga may have the most popular page on Facebook - with 47 million "likes".
  • Facebook's ticker on the stock exchange will be "FB".


  • Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and chief executive, has 28% of the company - 533.8 million shares - which are worth $28bn based on an overall valuation of $100bn. He is 27 years old.
  • But Mr Zuckerberg is the controlling shareholder because of proxy voting rights. All in, he controls 57% of the shares.
  • Mr Zuckerberg's base salary last year was $483,333 and, with bonus, he was paid $1.49m.
  • From 1 January 2013, Mr Zuckerberg's annual salary will go down to $1.

  • Mr Zuckerberg was memorably portrayed in the Oscar-winning movie, The Social Network. The Winklevoss twins, Tyler and Cameron, are not named in the filing after settling their legal battles with Facebook. Neither is Eduardo Saverin, his former friend and classmate.
  • Napster founder and early investor Sean Parker is mentioned - but his shareholding is not declared.
  • Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer, owns 0.1% of the company. She is the best compensated director at Facebook. With her salary and stock awards, she made $30.87m last year. But with her stock options and depending on the share price, she will still become one of the world's richest women. She has 38.1 million shares that have not yet vested that will do so from October.
  • David Choe, a graffiti artist, decorated Facebook's first offices and took stock instead of cash as compensation. The New York Times reports the stake could now be worth about $200m.
  • The singer Bono is also rubbing his hands. Elevation Partners, an investment firm he co-founded, spent $210m buying Facebook shares in 2009 and 2010, which could now be worth $800m.
  • Mr Zuckerberg's friend and co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz, has almost 8%, or 133.8 million shares.
  • The company has listed other social networks as possible threats - including Google's relatively-new Google+ and its older Orkut service, South Korea's Cyworld, Japan's Mixi and vKontakte in Russia.
  • Facebook has no legal presence in China - but there are already established social networks such as Tencent and Renren that locals can use.
  • Besides China, Facebook is currently restricted in Iran, North Korea and Syria.
  • The company also cited the "uncertainty" over evolving legal protections across the world on consumer privacy. It cited a revision to the European Union's privacy laws, specifically.
  • Facebook said that potential advertisers could decide not to advertise with them and instead just use a Facebook page.
  • Fame is fleeting on the internet. "A number of other social networking companies that achieved early popularity have since seen their active user bases or levels of engagement decline, in some cases precipitously," Facebook said. "There is no guarantee that we will not experience a similar erosion of our active user base or engagement levels.

02.01.12: Is it the next Google?

Remember Google when it IPO'd? It started at $85/share...

Will Facebook do better? 

In my opinion, it is a good investment, if you can buy shares the first day.

Facebook generated revenues of $3.7B in 2011 and $1B in profits.
They are expecting to raise $5B with the IPO.
Analysts had predicted a $10B round of funding from the IPO...

How to buy into an IPO - it isn't easy as the first investors allowed in on an IPO are company executives, venture capitalists, and the banks involved in underwriting the deal.
In the past, it has been risky being first in. Out of a dozen internet/social media IPO's that came public in 2011, the average decline was 12% from the IPO price, and a 34% drop from where the shares closed the first day's trading.
However, I suspect Facebook may be different. Lets see what happens.

If it raised $10B in the IPO, it would:

1. be the 6th largest USA IPO ever.
2. be the 15th largest IPO in history.
3. have an IPO more than 6 times Google's IPO.
4. have a per-share valuation of $100+. Apple started at $22/share. Google started at $85/share...surging to $100+ by the end of the first day for a mkt cap of $27B. Will Facebook do better?
5. have a mkt cap larger than Disney or GM. Google is now $187B, Microsoft is $248B and Apple is $422B.

It officially announced the IPO late today. 

If we were to be treated to a good IPO (don't think it has ever happened), we would know who was able to by at the IPO price.
I would be surprised if the average buyer will be able to purchase at less than 200% of the IPO price.

Let's see what happens ...  

Jan 25, 2012

Don't Dare Disagree with Harper and his gang

01.25.12: In the Toronto Star today.

The organization in question is ForestEthics and it operates in Canada and the USA and is funded in part by Tides Canada
ForestEthics is a charitable group that funds initiatives to tackle poverty, climate change and social problems.

"The prime minister's office allegedly labelled an environmental group an 'enemy' of Canada for opposing a proposed west coast oil pipeline and threatened retribution if its funding was not cut off, according to the affidavit of a former employee."
The article further states the government officials gave Ross McMillan (president of Tides Canada) a set time period to 'cut loose' ForestEthics or the government would 'take down' all Tides' charitable projects.

Harper is not finished yet.

In another article about the CRTC today, chair Konrad Von Finckenstein left today. He clashed with the federal government on a few issues. Hopefully, his replacement, Leonard Katz, has time to do some good before he is dismissed without explanation.  

Have i missed something in the last few years? Have Canadian citizens asked Harper and his team to represent us in this manner? 

Have we given him licence to dismiss (without explanation) any person or group (having a responsibility to the federal government) who he disagrees with?

At least Harper is consistent about his distaste for the environmental safety of Canada.

His original premise to always support shale oil development - regardless of environmental impact - means he must continue to discredit environmental groups whenever they might impact his oil development.

I think it is about time he began to think of his legacy...

Jan 24, 2012

Mountain Gorillas

01.24.12: Time to see the mountain gorillas

I have been following Dr Al Sears for quite a while (weekly e-letter), as he shares some good/interesting ideas on health.

Last month, he went to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda and put this video on Youtube.

Now, I am even more interested in this excellent adventure.

Did you know there are only approx 800 mountain gorillas remaining (none in captivity).

Probably none within 50 years...

Jan 18, 2012

SOPS and PIPA - freedom of the Web is being challenged ... again

01.26.12: What are SOPA and PIPA?

Simply put, is is a law to enable copyright and Intellectual Property owners to prosecute violators anywhere in the world. In this simple approach, there is nothing wrong.
However, it attempt to give USA companies a broad range of controls over the whole Internet ... something that really bothers almost all technology companies around the world.

A graphical representation - easier to grasp -

SOPA & PIPA Technical Examination

01.19.12: SOPA and PIPA

You haven't heard these terms yet ... but you will ... 

What would SOPA and PIPA do? (Reuters, Jan 18,2012)

 - The legislation, known as SOPA in the U.S. House of Representatives and PIPA in the Senate, would use court orders to curb access to foreign websites "dedicated to theft" through techniques such as disabling links to those sites.

 - They also cut off USA-based payments processing for those overseas websites that traffic in stolen content or counterfeit goods.

Why do copyright holders say the law is needed?

 - Entertainment companies and other copyright holders say many legal copyright remedies aren't effective against big foreign sites such as PirateBay. They say the bills will help curb online piracy that they claim costs them billions of dollars a year. 
Technology companies say they too oppose such piracy but argue that the proposed laws go too far.

What is the current status of the bills?

 - The White House weighed in on January 14 with objections to the legislation, particularly a provision that would have required Internet service providers such as a Verizon Communications and Comcast Corp to cut off access to infringing sites through a technology known as DNS blocking.
In the days before the White House statement, backers of both bills had said they planned to move away from those provisions. The Senate bill is scheduled for a vote on January 24, although some supporters of the bill have asked to postpone that vote. The House bill is still before the Judiciary Committee.

Why do technology companies oppose the bills?

 - Technology companies say the legislation would undermine an existing law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its "safe harbor" provisions for websites and others that act in good faith in their handling of third-party content on their sites. Content companies say the bills simply fill gaps in the DMCA and wouldn't affect the safe harbor provisions.

 - Technology companies express concerns that the legislation would encourage frivolous litigation. Content companies believe the difficulty of squeezing large payments out of illegal overseas sites would discourage frivolous litigation.

 - Technology companies say users would circumvent new restrictions and piracy would still occur. Content companies say the law would create important tools for fighting piracy.

 - Technology companies worry they would have to police their services for links to overseas pirated content. Content companies say the technology companies would have to act only if notified.

 - Technology companies say part of the House legislation encourages providers to act against foreign sites on their own initiative by providing immunity from liability, which could lead to overaggressive actions against foreign sites. Content companies say that sites that act against pirates in good faith and with evidence to back up their actions shouldn't have to worry about lawsuits.

 - Technology companies say there is no due process for overseas sites that are accused of piracy. Content companies say normal due process applies.

The battle continues ...

Jan 16, 2012

Boys and their toys - as it applies to golf

01.15.12: The new hotrod

I think I could get used to Florida year-round ... maybe ...

Us older folks can appreciate a better way to get around our community than hopping in the car and driving thru traffic.

This seems to be an appropriate method of transportation for the golfing future.

It is quite surprising ... over 50,000 vehicles (especially good for those who would have trouble acquiring a driver's licence) in a community of 16,000 golfers.

Jan 15, 2012

Coconut Oil - misconception?

01.12.12: Unrefined coconut oil is very good for you!
This CBN News items clearly destroys my understanding of coconut oil.

Apparently, there is growing evidence to show unrefined organic coconut oil (no trans fats) has many benefits to our health and should be included in our eating habits. 

The question is how much? 

It appears to be gaining support in the fight against dementia, schizophrenia, alzheimer's, atherosclerosis, etc.
The area I am interested in is improvements to HDL levels (heart health).

Harvard Medical School is still uncertain about overall cholesterol benefits of daily use.

From what I have read to-date:

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fats (much higher than butter, beef fat or lard). 

The problem with saturated fat is it raises LDL levels ... high HDL is good, low LDL is good ... probably contributing to cardiovascular disease.

However, not all saturated fats are bad for you.

Unrefined coconut oil's saturated fat has the highest amount of lauric acid (excellent job of raising HDL levels) of any oil. 

But, does that justify its daily use to lower cholesterol levels?

Until more results are in, it appears best to stick to olive and soybean oils (unsaturated fats ... lower LDL and raise HDL) for good health.

However, I may just begin including some virgin coconut oil (2-4 tbsp)  in my diet ... but will continue to not order Thai dishes with coconut oil.