Jan 25, 2012

Don't Dare Disagree with Harper and his gang

01.25.12: In the Toronto Star today.

The organization in question is ForestEthics and it operates in Canada and the USA and is funded in part by Tides Canada
ForestEthics is a charitable group that funds initiatives to tackle poverty, climate change and social problems.

"The prime minister's office allegedly labelled an environmental group an 'enemy' of Canada for opposing a proposed west coast oil pipeline and threatened retribution if its funding was not cut off, according to the affidavit of a former employee."
The article further states the government officials gave Ross McMillan (president of Tides Canada) a set time period to 'cut loose' ForestEthics or the government would 'take down' all Tides' charitable projects.

Harper is not finished yet.

In another article about the CRTC today, chair Konrad Von Finckenstein left today. He clashed with the federal government on a few issues. Hopefully, his replacement, Leonard Katz, has time to do some good before he is dismissed without explanation.  

Have i missed something in the last few years? Have Canadian citizens asked Harper and his team to represent us in this manner? 

Have we given him licence to dismiss (without explanation) any person or group (having a responsibility to the federal government) who he disagrees with?

At least Harper is consistent about his distaste for the environmental safety of Canada.

His original premise to always support shale oil development - regardless of environmental impact - means he must continue to discredit environmental groups whenever they might impact his oil development.

I think it is about time he began to think of his legacy...

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