Apr 14, 2011

It's all about Harper

04.14.11: In the Globe & Mail yesterday

I said I wouldn't use this in my blog ... but I can't resist due to the enormous amount of response so far.

As you already know, I am not a Harper supporter.

It's not that I am a Liberal or not a Conservative (whatever Harper conservatism is), I am not a Harper fan and want him replaced as soon as practical.

If you happen to read the comments after watching this video, I wonder if you are surprised to see the anger in the under-40 population (the new 40s is the old 30s).

I also wonder if you know what a "hipster" is.

I also wonder how anti-politics we (probably mainly under-40s) have become - very low voter turnout at last election.

I also wonder how Harper maintains his popularity, with the negative things he has done in the last couple of years.

I also wonder how Canadians aren't deeply concerned about the perception other countries have of us (exclusion from UN council, non-recognition of climate change, withdrawal of African aid, aggressive position in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc).

The older I get, the more I wonder ...

RIM in trouble?

04.15.11: In case you hadn't seen the video.

04.14.11: In the Toronto Star April 14th

RIM has not been doing well lately. Losing ground to Apple and other smartphones and unable to resolve the server access concern of India.
I was considering investing in RIM a couple of weeks ago (buy low, sell at 20% gain) but will wait a while longer as the bottom hasn't happened yet - in my opinion.
The stock is at $51.38 as of 10:44 today (down $1.41 this am) and continuing to move closer to it 53 week low of $44.94).

As a true Canadian success story, I am hoping RIM comes out with another barn-burner product, as the Blackberry (in present form) is in denouement now.

Lazaridis' reaction to questions on BBC last night about middle east server access hasn't helped the company. And what about the UAE non-disclosure??

I am amazed at how a chairman/CEO (never have one person hold both jobs), who will probably make many millions this non-profit year, can represent a company in this manner!

Probably best to wait a while to invest in RIM ...

Apr 13, 2011

Water Timer

04.13.11: Have you resisted buying a water timer to water your lawn or gardens because of the price?
I have not seen one for less than $49 at most stores.
Last year, in my endless searching for bargoons, I came across this one at Walmart. 
It works very well. I set it for up to 2 hours and forget it.

As some of you are aware, I installed an inground  sprinkler system myself, a couple of years ago, for approx $200. 
It works very well but doesn't cover the area between us and the house on the north side. I may do it this year.

I have bought it twice now (reason for 2nd one later in this post).
I buy it because it is cheap and works. 
As you might expect, it is only sold at Walmart.

The reason I just bought a 2nd one is I left it out over the winter and the water froze and broke it.
At $6.98, I am not too disappointed ... but will bring it indoors next winter.

Apr 10, 2011

Airlines - how do they get away with it?

04.08.11: In the Toronto Star April 7th.

It really is annoying how they get away with it. But, we only have ourselves to blame.

Where else, other than telephone rates and hydro and water ...  

 Maybe a little more regulation is necessary.

Well, Quebec is taking steps to try to correct this 'false' advertising. 
Good for them and we should all get behind them and support this initiative!

Might make a good federal election campaign item, rather than promising more deficit spending.

Apr 4, 2011

Tar Sands should be an election issue

04.16.11: In the Toronto Star today by Michael Lewis. Michael seems to understand.

I haven't seen much on this since the campaigning started. Maybe someone can explain it to me...

The articles I have seen indicate I am on a different planet! Other than this article, no one is focusing on the tar sands since the debate.
Maybe it is time to capitulate, as our time appears to be wasted thinking we can change the election outcome (replacing Harper).

Harper is the man. 
The average Canadian deserves him ... and Peter Kent's 'ethical' crude. 

Is it time to consider other things ... golf comes to mind? 

04.04.11: In the New York Times Sunday - NO to new tar sands pipeline. 
The council of Canadians also reported the article with more details.

Food & Water Watch (USA based environmentalist group) also speaks out about the real problems it will bring. 

I must be missing something that most people are aware of. 

Canada's tar sands are tremendously important to Canadians ... right? 
We are sitting on a gold mine and have a lot of wealthy people keen and eager to develop the oil for export. They understand how beneficial this business is to Canadians.
Without it, we would not survive in this global economy ... correct?

Or is it the case of Harper satisfying a lot of people who will reward him after he leaves politics (did someone say he was leaving??).

Greenpeace is very good at identifying negative impact of tar sands development:
1. open pit mines scorching the earth
2. the process uses more water than a city of 2 million people
3. 36 million tonnes of CO2 a day
4. toxic lakes leak more than 11 million litres a day
5. The EPA estimates 82% more GGEs than conventional crude production

More videos explaining the devastating impact
These two are very informative:
1. What are the tar sands?
2. What is the impact of the tar sands on the climate (Dr Andrew Weaver)? 

The Council of Canadians is also speaking out on this subject. Apparently, Harper is going ahead with another contempt of parliament initiative.   

It really amazes me there isn't a powerful group involved with deterring this environment irreparable destruction. Perhaps Greenpeace needs more significant (benevolent) support ...

I can understand the USA need for their pipeline from northern Alberta and their total disregard for our environmental impact...dramatically reduces their dependency on middle east oil.

While it may prove beneficial that americans become concerned about pipeline leaks, in my opinion it will not deter them. Even serious environmental impact won't deter them.

As with any large country running out of resources, the USA will exploit whoever they can to ensure their continued drain on natural resources, before understanding the importance of the word "renewable".

It sure would be helpful, in a federal election, if there was real benefit in promoting preservation of our environment for future generations!

If none of our three major parties use this as a major platform in this election, again I will be disappointed in our political system!