Feb 25, 2011

Harper - more negative support

02.25.11: I have always been against Harper representing me and Canadians. 
The G8/G20 fiasco only exacerbated my dislike. 

Here is an article in the Star Tuesday outlining more things he has not done ... yet promised to do.

He has initiated great expense (more than 2 billion $s over 5 years) for harsher sentencing and being tougher on crime. This part I have a tendency to agree with - yes agree.

The problem is his hidden agenda style and lack of transparency on many significant items - see the article for 5 key items.

One of the items seems to be extremely significant but I don't see too many people making noise about it.
The G8/G20 security and expense  - A lot of law cases and analysis still have not come to the logical conclusion ... it was his responsibility alone to ensure it was handled correctly by the police and to curtail the ridiculous expense. Image what good (internationally and nationally) 1 billion $s (OUR tax $s) could have achieved!

Hopefully, there will be a suitable replacement candidate available at the next federal election.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

02.25.11: Once again, another article extolling the virtues of omega-3. I have taking this supplement for quite a while, along with odourless garlic, vitamin E, glucosamine sulphate and calcium with vitamin D. 
In addition, ASA and ibuprofen three to four times a week.
This web link has quite a bit of information supporting the use of omega-3.

"omega-3 fatty acids found in fish appeared to help those fragile DNA tips -- called telomeres -- stay younger longer."

"...telomeres grow shorter as part of the natural aging process. And stress, body inflammation, a lack of exercise, and extra pounds can shorten those tips even faster, essentially opening wider the window to all sorts of body-aging cell damage. We're talking extra wrinkles, gray hair, brittle bones, and even heart disease and cancer."

Eat more good fish and take supplements!

Feb 4, 2011

When to Sell Your House

02.04.11: Interesting article in the Star today.

The bottom line appears to be now is the best time to sell, if you are considering it in the next couple of  years.
Of course, the real estate folks are saying any price decline will be minimal.

For some strange reason, I put more faith in the economists.

What this news also suggests is rising precious metals prices and possibly oil prices (should any further natural disasters occur to disrupt distribution).

There may be another investment opportunity looking ...

Feb 3, 2011

ETFs Explained

(click to enlarge)
02.03.11: A good article in the Star this morning explaining how ETFs (exchange traded funds) can fit into your investment strategy.
I have been using them for a short time and find them to be a good partner to my mutual funds.
The two things I like about them are explained:
1. lower mgmt fees
2. trade like stocks

Financial advisors probably don't prefer you use ETFs as they don't need to be involved as you can use any online bank to trade them, instantly or at a specific price, anytime you want ... for a fee.
But you do need to maintain your risk balance and not be overly tempted by how easily you can buy the high potential returns (higher volatility) funds.

Some of you have been in ETFs for quite a while and have been promoting them. 

I am coming onside slowly but still prefer MFs as my safe haven and ETFs as my riskier investments.