Oct 14, 2010

Osteoporosis - how to minimize risk

10/14/10 - You are probably aware of what this disease can do without you knowing it. One in four women and one in eight men in Canada over 50 have it. Perhaps a few of you (maybe myself included) are suffering from it - with our back problems.
This article (left-click to enlarge) from Tuesday's Star highlights the need for Calcium and vitamin D supplements particularly in those over 50 (men and women).
The recommended intake from all sources daily is:
Vitamin D - 800-2,000 IUs per day
Calcium    - 1,200 MGs per day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chuck,
    the daily dose of 1200 MG must be elemental calcium. For example a regular 1000 mg tablet of Tums calcium only delivers 400 mg of elemental calcium. So you have to take 3 1000 mg tablets to get your daily dose.
