Oct 9, 2009

Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize!?

Is this the beginning of a new process ... awarding the prize as incentive to do something? 
There is much discussion on this award, as it doesn't appear to follow the procedure.

Michael Moore has entered the frey with his USA twist and it does have merit ... if the Nobel is now a motivation award.
Here is a portion of it "There are those who say you've done nothing yet to deserve this award. As far as I'm concerned, the very fact that you've offered to walk into the minefield of hate and try to undo the irreparable damage the last president did is not only appreciated by me and millions of others, it is also an act of true bravery. That's why you got the prize. The whole world is depending on the U.S. -- and you -- to literally save this planet. Let's not let them down.".
Here is Obama's response.

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