Feb 28, 2009

Thermoplastic Roof Shingles

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Solar roof shingles.
Every house built in the future may come with them.
More research is needed to confirm feasibility (cost, durability, longevity, ROI, etc) but it certainly is a step in the right direction. 
Might be worth investing in, as we come out of this recession (in a year or two).

Here is an article by DOW on their plans with Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs). Apparently, solar electricity cost is approx 300% more than conventional. Dow is planning to reduce this to approx 25% more.   It will be interesting to see how they progress in the next few years.

Feb 20, 2009

More CEO concerns

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It must be just me ... but I cannot understand how CEOs are able to command such salaries when they do not perform. Why aren't their salaries tied to performance???
In this instance, he tried to mitigate negative feedback by giving $3M to charity (instead of leaving it at the bank??) of the $11M he received ... when TD shares fell 37.5% in 2008. 
And this is one of those banks that withstood the current recession much better than all other banks in the major countries!

Feb 15, 2009

Peak Oil - Doomer or Sheeple?

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Both these articles are in the Sun Star Feb 15th.

We are running out of oil ... the question is "when does it become a serious issue?"

Have you seen to second Mad Max movie "Road Warrior"
The Peak Oil article indicates oil will will probably be $200-$300 a barrel within 4 years (your next car purchase better be the MOST fuel efficient hybrid or electric) and this will lead to urban violence which will lead to ecological degradation and financial chaos ... the apocalypse is fast approaching! 

The Doomers think this will happen in the next few years and they want to be ready. They will bunker down and hide with their years supplies. I wonder how they will handle the greenhouse gases impending disaster.

The Sheeple see the shortage coming  but understand we will roll with it (see the book "The Upside of Down") and methodically move to alternate sources of fuel.

I wonder how both look at the greenhouse gases impending catastrophe?

In My opinion, we need more concrete actions NOW and not wait for things to logically happen (or go hide and wait it out). McGuinty is moving in this direction ... why isn't Harper?

Green Car Incentives are Poor in Canada

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Once again, Harper has spent a lot of our money for nothing ... as noted in this Star article of Sat Feb 14th.
Approx $1B in attempts by Harper to buy votes and, again, not taking the environment seriously. 
Why doesn't he see clearly enough that getting our votes can be achieved by setting tighter efficiency/emission stds, raise gas cost, support technology, and make taxation simple and progressive. 

Anybody have a different opinion?

Feb 12, 2009

NIMBYism - nip it in the bud

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An excellent article in the Star today (even though it is by an NDPer). 

This article communicates all the right things to move us towards leadership in the race to reduce greenhouse gases, including closing all coal plants and the dirty Alberta tar sands.

Wind power is a critical part of greenhouse gas reduction, as it is the fastest growing source of electric generation around the world.  

Feb 10, 2009

USA Bailout - trickle down the american way

Checkout this YouTube example of how some of the American banks are deploying the bailout monies.
Why does none of this surprise me...

As we get older, we must consciously focus on the good and, although we store many bad examples, try to not bother with the bad things that have happened.

I have faith in our offsprings ... and can hardly wait until they really get going.

Darwin - the discussion continues

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Larry has been a friend since childhood.

This is a sensitive subject to many but he isn't afraid to get involved and spread the 'gospel'.

There will be a lecture on Feb 13th ... see the article (from Monday's Star) for details.

Feb 7, 2009

Auditor General report

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Excellent report!

Is it just me or does everyone see how stupid the conservatives are about the environment?
I am truly impressed with Sheila and Scott.

Let's see how long they last! 

Feb 4, 2009

Lost Generation?

Have you seen this YouTube item created by a member of the next generation?
We can only hope a conviction shared by most of her peers.
However, conviction is not action ... and i don't see enough action yet.