The device was a Kill-A-Watt and it somewhat accurately calculated the electrical usage of some devices within our home.
It is now time to determine our energy reduction items. By the use of a Kill A Watt (P4400 Energy Meter at Lee Valley Tools or Blue Planet Energy Meter at CTC), I will find the big items we can do without ... old fridge, old freezer, non energy star remaining items, etc.
Here were the results from the 02/21/08 analysis:
1. a 100W incandescent will cost you $.23 for 24 hours usage.
2. a 100W fluorescent will cost you $..047 for 24 hours usage.
3. a 250W incandescent will cost you $.60 for 24 hours usage.
4. a 4ft double fluorescent fixture will cost you $.15 for 24 hours usage.
5. a laptop will cost you $.097 for 24 hours usage.
6. a desktop will cost you $.389 for 24 hours usage.
I used my laptop and three fluorescent 4ft lights at a cost of approx $.32 a day or $9.62/month.
A laptop kW usage cost is half that of a 100W incandescent but twice as much as a 100W fluorescent.
A desktop is four times as costly as a laptop to run.
A 100W incandescent bulb usage cost is 5 times a 100W fluorescent. Time to convert all incandescents to CFLs.
We now have both the laptop and desktop computers on surge protectors and turn them off nightly.
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