Apr 4, 2018

Statins - are they for you?

18.04.04: I just watched a documentary "Cholesterol: the Great Bluff" and was quite surprised by what it had to say about STATINS.

Unfortunately, it leads to poor conclusions on the role of statins to the general population.

I have been on statins for over 20 years. For the first few years, joint pain occurred, so i was reduced in dosage. My cholesterol level goes up and down slightly but remains well within tolerance levels.

What I have been noticing, in the last few years, is slight vision loss, slight memory loss, and feeling weaker and less enthusiastic about exercise. The documentary refers to some of these as possible statin impacts ... not just getting older. 

Apparently, the current research (last 20 years) indicates trying to manage cholesterol with statins (to avoid heart attacks and strokes) may has a negative impact on your liver (80% of cholesterol is produced by your liver and intestines - the remainder is from the foods you consume) and, although unconfirmed at this time, may be a contributor to NAFLD (liver disease - which a third of Americans don't know they have).
This Harvard article indicates there may be a relationship between statins and memory loss and type 2 diabetes.
This newspaper article (which, IMO, resulted in fake news) indicates statins cause weight gain and diabetes. 

It does seem that statins are beneficial to those who have had a heart attack or stroke.

In Summary

After doing some unbiased research, I have come to understand you cannot trust any group to present completely unbiased results.
I also have concluded the medical profession (including scientists) do not fully understood the connection between cholesterol and heart disease.

I may reduce or eliminate statins over the next couple of years, unless very compelling evidence (not funded by big pharma) gives me doubt. If I do, I will report results as an update to this blog item.

If you are on statins, ask your doctor and cardiologist their position on statins for you. Millennials may want a second cardiologist opinion.

p.s. I have had shingles and it permanently reduced vision in my right eye. For those over 50, have you had your first Shingrix shot yet?