There are studies on solar power that show roof tops will eventually provide a very high percentage of total electric power in developed and undeveloped countries.
This PowerStream pilot provides a very low level of risk and minimal cost ($20/mo) to home owners to enter the solar power clean energy generation of the future. The real benefits of the pilot are free installation of solar system, free electricity and personal reduced environmental impact.
The PowerStream Power.House pilot pgm is full at this time but, as with other PowerStream pilots (REM and APP are ones you should seriously consider), will probably expand within a year or two.
Hopefully, we are with another insurance company at that time.
For any of you who have an opportunity to partake in a PowerStream (or other power company) solar pilot, I encourage you to take a serious look.
15.11.07: Finally, an opportunity has come up to enter the solar panel era.
PowerStream introduced a solar Power House pilot a few weeks ago and we have been approved.
Not that I am a fan of power companies but PowerStream has impressed me over the last few years with their pilots (which I have enrolled in).
I am currently a member of their APP (Advantage Power Pricing) pilot, saving electricity cost by managing week-day 3-9pm usage.
Their solar pilot is about to get under way with 20 homes (from Markham to Barrie). There is still opportunity, if you use PowerStream, to join the pilot.
We have been accepted into the pilot, pending our insurance company agreeing.
Installation of solar panels, battery and electronics will occur in next 10 days.
If all works as I suspect, we could end up with a net saving of approx $4,000 over 5 years, as well as being an energy provider rather than energy user.
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