Dec 1, 2014

Harper must be Concerned - Canadians Prefer a Carbon Tax

14.12.01: In the Toronto Star Nov 28th, a recent survey indicates 88% of Canadians want Canada to commit to "significant new actions" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ... and 84% want our government to show more leadership. 

Harper is finally under pressure to accept climate change impact by fossil fuels...and stop supporting Alberta shale oil development.
Now that USA and China have entered into an environmental agreement, he will have increased pressure to step up.
But I expect he will continue to indicate non-compliance as long as any significant country is not on-board (Australia and India).

Tim Harper was at Stephen Harper again today in the Toronto Star
An excellent read! 

It seems many journalists are increasing their complaints against Harper's policies.

Let's spread the word. Environmentally, it is time for a change in govt as any change is better than what we now have.