Back on June 30th, I wondered if it was time to get back in.
Here is the Star's analysis of the best Mutual Funds over 5 years. It appears precious metals, Latin America and some energy resources have sustained performance during the last 5 years.
Although past performance is no clear indication of future success, it may be the best we have (other than insider information) to go on.

Here is a list of some GlobeFund top performing MFs in late August. Some are getting back to where they were a year ago.

Here is a Globe Fund top picks list I selected 09/21 (investment made January 2009). I have included a few ETFs (no MER and low mgmt fee). Non-ETF success (in the last 6 months) has been mainly precious metals and oil. Will these continue to climb? The Investors group seems to have done quite well this year. They have a MER of approx 2.75% and mgmt fee of approx 2% and their top two are no load (the others are back end). Might be worth some investment.
I am going to review them and then consider re-entry.
The V or U shaped recovery possibilities may have passed but is the W shape to come?
Anyone have other thots?